以游行庆祝退伍军人节的传统 The Tradition of Celebrating Veterans Day with Parades Yǐ yóuxíng qìngzhù tuìwǔjūnrén jié de chuántǒng

Content Introduction


在美国,退伍军人节(Veterans Day)是重要的全国性节日,每年11月11日庆祝。为了纪念那些在战争中为国捐躯和服役的军人,全国各地都会举行盛大的游行活动。这些游行通常规模宏大,参与者众多,场面十分壮观。游行队伍中,你可以看到身着制服的退伍军人、军乐队、花车、以及来自各行各业的民众。他们通过游行的方式,向退伍军人表达敬意和感谢,也向公众展示美国强大的军事实力和爱国精神。游行队伍通常会经过市中心的主要街道,吸引了大量的民众驻足观看,营造出浓厚的节日氛围。这不仅仅是一场简单的游行,更是对历史的缅怀,对英雄的致敬,以及对国家和民族的认同感表达。对于许多美国人来说,观看退伍军人节游行已经成为了一种重要的传统和仪式,代代相传。


Zài měiguó, tuìwǔjūnrén jié (Veterans Day) shì zhòngyào de quánguó xìng jiérì, měinián 11 yuè 11 rì qìngzhù. Wèile jìniàn nàxiē zài zhànzhēng zhōng wèi guó juānqū hé fúyì de jūnrén, quánguó gèdì dōu huì jǔxíng shèngdà de yóuxíng huódòng. Zhèxiē yóuxíng tōngcháng guīmó hóngdà, cānyù zhě zhòngduō, chǎnmian shífēn zhuàngguān. Yóuxíng duìwù zhōng, nǐ kěyǐ kàn dào shēn zhuó zhìfú de tuìwǔjūnrén, jūnyuè duì, huā chē, yǐjí láizì gè xíng gè yè de míngzhòng. Tāmen tōngguò yóuxíng de fāngshì, xiàng tuìwǔjūnrén biǎodá jìngyì hé gǎnxiè, yě xiàng gōngzhòng zhǎnshì měiguó qiángdà de jūnshì shí lì hé àiguó jīngshen. Yóuxíng duìwù tōngcháng huì jīngguò shì zhōngxīn de zhǔyào jiēdào, xīyǐn le dàliàng de míngzhòng zhùzú guānkàn, yíngzào chū nónghòu de jiérì fēnwéi. Zhè bù jǐngshì yī chǎng jiǎndān de yóuxíng, gèngshì duì lìshǐ de miǎnhuái, duì yīngxióng de zhìjìng, yǐjí duì guójiā hé mínzú de rèntóng gǎn biǎodá. Duìyú xǔduō měiguórén lái shuō, guānkàn tuìwǔjūnrén jié yóuxíng yǐjīng chéngwéi le yī zhǒng zhòngyào de chuántǒng hé yíshì, dàidài xiāngchuán.


In the United States, Veterans Day is an important national holiday celebrated annually on November 11th. To commemorate those who died or served in the wars for their country, grand parades are held across the nation. These parades are typically large-scale events with numerous participants, creating a spectacular display. You'll see veterans in uniform, military bands, floats, and citizens from all walks of life marching in the parades. They express their respect and gratitude to veterans through parades, and also showcase America's strong military strength and patriotic spirit to the public. The parades usually march through the main streets of the city center, attracting large crowds of onlookers and creating a strong festive atmosphere. It's not just a simple parade; it's a commemoration of history, a tribute to heroes, and an expression of national and ethnic identity. For many Americans, watching the Veterans Day parade has become an important tradition and ritual, passed down from generation to generation.


Dialogues 1


A: 你知道美国退伍军人节是怎么庆祝的吗?
B: 我听说会有游行,但具体不太了解。
A: 没错,大型的退伍军人节游行是美国的一大传统,规模宏大,非常盛况空前。
B: 哇,听起来很精彩!游行都有什么内容?
A: 各种各样的,有军乐队演奏,退伍军人方阵,还有花车等等,还有许多民众自发参与。
B: 这些游行是为了纪念谁呢?
A: 主要是为了纪念在战争中牺牲和为国服务过的军人,表达对他们的敬意和感谢。


A: nǐ zhīdào měiguó tuìwǔjūnrén jié shì zěnme qìngzhù de ma?
B: wǒ tīngshuō huì yǒu yóuxíng, dàn jùtǐ bù tài liǎojiě.
A: mèicuò, dàxíng de tuìwǔjūnrén jié yóuxíng shì měiguó de yī dà chuántǒng, guīmó hóngdà, fēicháng shèngkuàng kōngqián.
B: wa, tīng qǐlái hěn jīngcǎi! yóuxíng dōu yǒu shénme nèiróng?
A: gè zhǒng gè yàng de, yǒu jūnyuè duì yǎnzòu, tuìwǔjūnrén fāngzhèn, hái yǒu huā chē děng děng, hái yǒu xǔduō míngzhòng zìfā cānyù.
B: zhèxiē yóuxíng shì wèi le jìniàn shuí ne?
A: zhǔyào shì wèi le jìniàn zài zhànzhēng zhōng xīshēng hé wèi guó fúwù guò de jūnrén, biǎodá duì tāmen de jìngyì hé gǎnxiè.


A: Do you know how Americans celebrate Veterans Day?
B: I heard there are parades, but I don't know the details.
A: Yes, large-scale Veterans Day parades are a major tradition in the United States, with a huge scale and very spectacular scenes.
B: Wow, it sounds amazing! What are the contents of the parade?
A: All sorts of things, there are military bands playing, veterans' formations, floats, and many people spontaneously participate.
B: Who are these parades to commemorate?
A: It's mainly to commemorate the soldiers who died in the war and served the country, to express respect and gratitude to them.

Cultural Background


Veterans Day is a day of remembrance and appreciation for those who served in the U.S. military. It's a solemn yet celebratory occasion.

Parades are a common way to express patriotism and community spirit in the US. They often involve music, floats, and uniformed personnel.

Advanced Expressions


The Veterans Day parade is a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by our servicemen and women.

The spectacle of the parade is a powerful symbol of national unity and pride.

Key Points


Appropriate for discussing American culture and traditions.,Suitable for adults and older teenagers with an interest in history or social studies.,Avoid using slang or overly casual language when discussing Veterans Day.

Practice Tips


Practice describing the different elements of a Veterans Day parade.

Role-play conversations about the significance of the holiday.

Research the history of Veterans Day and incorporate this knowledge into your conversations.