吃热狗比赛 Hot Dog Eating Contests chī rè gǒu bǐsài

Content Introduction


热狗比赛,尤其是在美国,已经发展成为一种独特的传统习俗。每年7月4日美国独立日,在纽约康尼岛举办的Nathan's Famous热狗比赛最为著名。这项比赛吸引了来自世界各地的参赛者和观众,比赛场面激烈而精彩,参赛者在规定时间内(通常是10分钟)尽可能多地吃下热狗,冠军的纪录令人难以置信。

这项比赛的起源可以追溯到20世纪初,当时纽约康尼岛的Nathan's Famous热狗摊位为了促销而组织了一些简单的吃热狗比赛。随着时间的推移,这项活动逐渐发展壮大,吸引了越来越多的关注,最终成为了美国夏季的一项标志性活动。比赛不仅仅是关于谁吃得最多,也展现了美国人的竞争精神、乐观精神以及对美食的热爱。

如今,吃热狗比赛已经不仅限于美国,在世界各地都有类似的比赛。这反映了美国文化对全球的影响,以及人们对这种独特而充满趣味的比赛的喜爱。 参与比赛的人,从普通的民众到专业的“大胃王”都有。他们会运用各种技巧,例如先喝水、把热狗切碎,或者用特殊的方式来加快进食速度。比赛的过程不仅刺激,也充满着各种意外和戏剧性。观看比赛的观众们则会为选手们加油助威,营造出热烈的气氛。



Rè gǒu bǐsài, yóuqí shì zài měiguó, yǐjīng fāzhǎn chéngwéi yī zhǒng dú tè de chuántǒng xísú. Měi nián 7 yuè 4 rì měiguó dú lì rì, zài niǔyuē kāngní dǎo jǔbàn de Nathan's Famous rè gǒu bǐsài zuì wéi zhùmíng. Zhè xiàng bǐsài xīyǐn le lái zì shìjiè gè dì de cānsài zhě hé guānzhòng, bǐsài chǎngmiàn jīliè ér jīngcǎi, cānsài zhě zài guīdìng shíjiān nèi (tōngcháng shì 10 fēnzhōng) jǐn kěnéng duō de chī xià rè gǒu, guànjūn de jìlù lìng rén nán yǐ xìncì.

Zhè xiàng bǐsài de qǐyuán kěyǐ zhuīsù dào 20 shìjì chūqī, dāngshí niǔyuē kāngní dǎo de Nathan's Famous rè gǒu tānwèi wèile túxiāo ér zǔzhī le yīxiē jiǎndān de chī rè gǒu bǐsài. Suízhe shíjiān de tuīyí, zhè xiàng huódòng zhújiàn fāzhǎn zhuàngdà, xīyǐn le yuè lái yuè duō de guānzhù, zuìzhōng chéngwéi le měiguó xiàjì de yī xiàng biaozhìxìng huódòng. Bǐsài bù jǐn shì guānyú shuí chī de zuì duō, yě zhǎnxian le měiguó rén de jìngzhēng jīngshén, lèguān jīngshén yǐjí duì měishí de rè'ài.

Rújīn, chī rè gǒu bǐsài yǐjīng bù jìnxian yú měiguó, zài shìjiè gè dì dōu yǒu lèisì de bǐsài. Zhè fǎnyìng le měiguó wénhuà duì quánqiú de yǐngxiǎng, yǐjí rénmen duì zhè zhǒng dú tè ér chōngmǎn qùwèi de bǐsài de xǐ'ài. Cānyù bǐsài de rén, cóng pǔtōng de mínzhòng dào zhuānyè de "dà wèi wáng" dōu yǒu. Tāmen huì yòng yùn gè zhǒng jìqiǎo, lìrú xiān hē shuǐ, bǎ rè gǒu qiē suì, huòzhě yòng tèshū de fāngshì lái jiākuài jìnshí sùdù. Bǐsài de guòchéng bù jǐn cìjī, yě chōngmǎn zhe gè zhǒng yìwài hé xìjùxìng. Guān kàn bǐsài de guānzhòngmen zé huì wèi xuǎnshǒumen jiāyóu zhùwēi, yíngzào chū rèliè de qìfēn.

Zǒngér yánzhī, chī rè gǒu bǐsài bù jǐn shì yī xiàng bǐsài, gèng shì měiguó wénhuà de yībùfèn, xiàngzhēngzhe měiguó rén de huólì hé rèqíng.


Hot dog eating contests, especially in the United States, have evolved into a unique tradition. The most famous contest is held annually on July 4th, Independence Day, at Nathan's Famous in Coney Island, New York. This competition attracts contestants and spectators from all over the world. The contest is intense and exciting, with contestants attempting to eat as many hot dogs as possible within a set time limit (usually 10 minutes). The champion's record is often mind-boggling.

The origins of this contest can be traced back to the early 20th century when Nathan's Famous hot dog stand in Coney Island, New York, organized simple hot dog eating contests as a promotional activity. Over time, this event grew in popularity and attracted increasing attention, eventually becoming a landmark summer event in the United States. The contest is not just about who eats the most; it also showcases the competitive spirit, optimism, and love of food that Americans are known for.

Today, hot dog eating contests are not limited to the United States; similar competitions are held around the world. This reflects the influence of American culture globally and people's fondness for this unique and entertaining competition. Participants range from ordinary people to professional "competitive eaters." They use various techniques, such as drinking water beforehand, cutting the hot dogs into pieces, or using special methods to speed up their eating. The process is not only exciting but also full of surprises and drama. Spectators cheer for the contestants, creating a lively atmosphere.

In short, hot dog eating contests are not just a competition; they are a part of American culture, symbolizing the vitality and enthusiasm of Americans.


Dialogues 1


A: 你听说过美国的吃热狗比赛吗?
B: 听说过,好像很疯狂,有人能吃几十个热狗!
A: 是啊,每年7月4日独立日,纽约都有比赛,场面非常壮观。
B: 真的假的?那参赛者都是什么人?
A: 各行各业的都有,但大部分都是专业的“大胃王”。
B: 那他们吃热狗的技术有什么讲究吗?
A: 有的,他们会把热狗切碎再吃,或者先喝水,技巧很多。
B: 这么厉害!有机会真想去看看。


A: nǐ tīng shuō guò měi guó de chī rè gǒu bǐ sài ma?
B: tīng shuō guò, hǎo xiàng hěn fēng kuáng, yǒu rén néng chī jí shí gè rè gǒu!
A: shì a, měi nián 7 yuè 4 rì dú lì rì, niǔ yuē dōu yǒu bǐ sài, chǎng miàn fēi cháng zhuàng guān.
B: zhēn de jiǎ de? nà cān sài zhě dōu shì shén me rén?
A: gè xíng gè yè de dōu yǒu, dàn dà bù fèn dōu shì zhuān yè de "dà wèi wáng".
B: nà tāmen chī rè gǒu de jì qiǎo yǒu shén me jiǎng jiu ma?
A: yǒu de, tāmen huì bǎ rè gǒu qiē suì zài chī, huò zhě xiān hē shuǐ, jì qiǎo hěn duō.
B: zhème lì hai! yǒu jī huì zhēn xiǎng qù kàn kàn.


A: Have you ever heard of hot dog eating contests in the US?
B: Yes, I have. It seems crazy, some people can eat dozens of hot dogs!
A: Yes, every year on July 4th, Independence Day, there is a competition in New York, and the scene is very spectacular.
B: Really? What kind of people participate in the competition?
A: People from all walks of life, but most of them are professional "big eaters".
B: Do they have any skills in eating hot dogs?
A: Yes, they will cut the hot dog into pieces and then eat it, or drink water first, there are many techniques.
B: So amazing! I really want to go and see it if I have a chance.

Cultural Background






Advanced Expressions


The competitive eating scene is a vibrant subculture in the US.

The sheer spectacle of these contests draws massive crowds.

Many contestants employ specialized techniques to maximize their intake.

These events are a testament to human endurance and the pursuit of gastronomic feats.

This seemingly absurd competition reflects a certain aspect of American culture – a love of extremes and playful competitiveness.

Key Points



Practice Tips




