威廉·劳埃德·加里森 William Lloyd Garrison Wēilián Lǎo'èi Jiā lìsēn

Content Introduction


威廉·劳埃德·加里森(William Lloyd Garrison,1805年12月10日-1879年5月24日)是美国废奴运动中的杰出人物,他以其激进的立场和不懈的努力而闻名。他出生于马萨诸塞州,年轻时就对奴隶制表示反对。

1831年,加里森在波士顿创办了著名的废奴主义报纸《解放者》(The Liberator)。该报以其强烈的反奴隶制立场和激进的言论而闻名,它对美国当时的社会和政治环境产生了巨大的影响。加里森在《解放者》中毫不留情地谴责奴隶制的罪恶,呼吁立即、彻底废除奴隶制,而不是像一些温和的废奴主义者那样主张循序渐进的废奴。他认为奴隶制是道德上的败坏,是违反基督教精神的,必须立即予以铲除。





Wēilián · Láo'èi · Jiā lìsēn (William Lloyd Garrison, 1805 nián 12 yuè 10 rì-1879 nián 5 yuè 24 rì) shì měiguó fèi nú yùndòng zhōng de jiéchū rénwù, tā yǐ qí jī jìn de lìchǎng hé bù xiè de nǔlì ér wénmíng. tā chūshēng yú mǎsà zhōuzhài shì, niánqīng shí jiù duì núlì zhì biǎoshì fǎnduì.

1831 nián, jiā lìsēn zài bōsītūn chuàngbàn le zhùmíng de fèi nú zhǔyì bàozhǐ 《jiěfàng zhě》 (The Liberator). gāi bào yǐ qí qiángliè de fǎn núlì zhì lìchǎng hé jī jìn de yánlùn ér wénmíng, tā duì měiguó dāngshí de shèhuì hé zhèngzhì huánjìng chǎnshēng le jùdà de yǐngxiǎng. jiā lìsēn zài 《jiěfàng zhě》 zhōng háo bù liúqíng de qiǎndzé núlì zhì de zuì'è, hūyù lìjí, chòutǐ fèichú núlì zhì, ér bù shì xiàng yīxiē wēn hé de fèi nú zhǔyì zhě nà yàng zhǔchāng xúnxù jiànjìn de fèi nú. tā rènwéi núlì zhì shì dàodé shàng de bàihuài, shì wéifǎn jīdūjiào jīngshén de, bìxū lìjí yǔyǐ chǎnchú.

Jiā lìsēn de jī jìn lìchǎng shǐ tā chéngwéi xǔduō rén de mùbiāo, tā duō cì zāodào sǐwáng wēixié, shènzhì céng bèi bào tú xíjī. rán'ér, tā shǐzhōng jiānchí zìjǐ de yuánzé, cóngwèi dòngyáo. tā de jiāndìng xìnyàn hé bù xiè nǔlì gǔwǔ le wúshù rén jiārù fèi nú yùndòng, tuīdòng le měiguó shèhuì duì núlì zhì wèntí de sīfǎn.

Chú le bàn bào, jiā lìsēn hái jījí cānyù gè zhǒng fǎn núlì zhì huódòng, bāokuò yǎnjiǎng, zǔzhī huìyì děngděng. tā yǔ qítā fèi nú zhǔyì zhě hézuò, gòngtóng tuīdòng fèi nú yùndòng de fāzhǎn. jiā lìsēn de nǔlì duì měiguó nèizhàn hé zuìzhōng fèichú núlì zhì dōu qǐdàole zhì guān zhòngyào de zuòyòng. suīrán tā de jī jìn fāngshì zhāozhì le bù shǎo pīpíng, dàn tā jiāndìng bù yí de fèi nú zhǔyì jīngshen réngrán shì zhídé hòurén jìngpèi de.

Zǒng'éryánzhī, Wēilián · Láo'èi · Jiā lìsēn shì měiguó lìshǐ shàng yī wèi zhòngyào de fèi nú zhǔyì zhě, tā de gòngxiàn duì měiguó lìshǐ jìngchéng chǎnshēng le shēnyuǎn de yǐngxiǎng. tā de míngzì jiāng yǒngyuǎn míngkè zài wèi zhēngqǔ zìyóu hé zhèngyì ér dòuzhēng de lìshǐ zhōng.


William Lloyd Garrison (December 10, 1805 – May 24, 1879) was a prominent figure in the American abolitionist movement, known for his radical stance and tireless efforts. Born in Massachusetts, he developed an opposition to slavery at a young age.

In 1831, Garrison founded the influential abolitionist newspaper, The Liberator, in Boston. The newspaper was renowned for its strong anti-slavery position and radical rhetoric, significantly impacting the social and political climate of the United States. In The Liberator, Garrison relentlessly condemned the evils of slavery, advocating for its immediate and complete abolition, rather than the gradual approach favored by some moderate abolitionists. He viewed slavery as a moral depravity, a violation of Christian principles, and insisted on its immediate eradication.

Garrison's radical stance made him a target; he received numerous death threats and was even physically assaulted by mobs. However, he remained unwavering in his principles. His unwavering conviction and relentless efforts inspired countless individuals to join the abolitionist movement, prompting reflection on the issue of slavery within American society.

Beyond his newspaper, Garrison actively participated in various anti-slavery activities, including delivering speeches and organizing meetings. He collaborated with other abolitionists to advance the movement. Garrison's efforts played a crucial role in the American Civil War and the eventual abolishment of slavery. While his radical methods drew criticism, his unwavering commitment to abolitionism remains admirable.

In summary, William Lloyd Garrison was a significant abolitionist in American history whose contributions profoundly impacted the course of the nation's history. His name will forever be etched in the annals of those who fought for freedom and justice.


Dialogues 1


A: 你知道威廉·劳埃德·加里森吗?
B: 当然知道,他是废奴主义者领袖,对美国历史影响深远。
A: 他具体做了什么?
B: 他创办了《解放者报》,坚决反对奴隶制,倡导立即废除奴隶制,对推动美国废奴运动起到了关键作用。他的言论虽然激进,但却影响了当时的社会思潮。
A: 他是怎么做的?
B: 加里森的努力主要体现在他的写作和公众演说上。他的文章充满激情和批判精神,抨击奴隶制的罪恶和不人道。他的演说则动员了成千上万的人们参与废奴运动。
A: 他面临的阻力大吗?
B: 非常大,当时南方种植园主势力强大,极力维护奴隶制,加里森经常受到威胁和攻击,甚至差点被杀害。但他始终坚持自己的信念,没有屈服。


A: nǐ zhīdào wēi lián · láo èi · jiā lì sēn ma?
B: dāng rán zhīdào, tā shì fèi nú zhǔyì zhě lǐngxiù, duì měiguó lìshǐ yǐngxiǎng shēnyuǎn.
A: tā jùtǐ zuò le shénme?
B: tā chuàngbàn le 《jiěfàng zhě bào》, jiānyuē fǎnduì núlì zhì, chǎngdǎo lìjí fèichú núlì zhì, duì tuīdòng měiguó fèi nú yùndòng qǐdàole guānjiàn zuòyòng. tā de yánlùn suīrán jī jìn, dàn què yǐngxiǎng le dāngshí de shèhuì sīcháo.
A: tā shì zěnme zuò de?
B: jiā lì sēn de nǔlì zhǔyào tǐxiàn zài tā de xiězuò hé gōngzhòng yǎnshuō shàng. tā de wénzhāng chōngmǎn jīqíng hé pīpàn jīngshén, píngjī núlì zhì de zuì'è hé bù rén dào. tā de yǎnshuō zé dòngyuán le chéng qiānwàn de rénmen cānyù fèi nú yùndòng.
A: tā miànlín de zǔlì dà ma?
B: fēicháng dà, dāngshí nánfāng zhòngzhí yuán zhǔ shìlì qiángdà, jí lì wéichí núlì zhì, jiā lì sēn jīngcháng shòudào wēixié hé gōngjī, shènzhì chà diǎn bèi shā hài. dàn tā shǐzhōng jiānchí zìjǐ de xìnyàn, méiyǒu qūfú.


A: Do you know William Lloyd Garrison?
B: Of course, he was a leading abolitionist who had a profound impact on American history.
A: What exactly did he do?
B: He founded The Liberator, a newspaper vehemently opposing slavery and advocating for its immediate abolition. He played a crucial role in advancing the abolitionist movement in the United States. His views, though radical at the time, significantly influenced the social climate.
A: How did he do it?
B: Garrison's efforts primarily involved his writing and public speaking. His articles were passionate and critical, denouncing the evils and inhumanity of slavery. His speeches mobilized thousands to participate in the abolitionist movement.
A: Did he face much resistance?
B: Tremendous resistance. Southern plantation owners held significant power and fiercely defended slavery. Garrison frequently faced threats and attacks, even nearly being murdered. Yet, he remained steadfast in his beliefs and never yielded.

Cultural Background




Advanced Expressions


Garrison's unwavering commitment to immediate emancipation resonated deeply with the burgeoning abolitionist movement.

The Liberator served as a powerful catalyst for social change, disseminating Garrison's uncompromising views nationwide.

Garrison's radicalism, while controversial, proved instrumental in shifting public opinion towards the eventual abolition of slavery in the United States.

Key Points



Practice Tips



