巴里·戈德华特 Barry Goldwater
Content Introduction
巴里·戈德华特(Barry Goldwater,1909年1月1日-1998年5月29日)是一位极具影响力的美国政治家,以其坚定的保守主义立场而闻名。他1952年至1964年担任亚利桑那州参议员,并于1964年代表共和党竞选美国总统。尽管在总统选举中败给了林登·约翰逊,但他对美国政治和保守主义运动的影响是深远的。戈德华特的总统竞选活动被认为是现代保守主义运动的一个转折点,为后来里根等保守派政治家铺平了道路。他的一些政治观点,例如在民权问题和经济问题上强硬的立场,在当时美国社会造成了广泛的争议,但同时也凝聚了一批支持者,巩固了美国保守主义的力量。他支持缩减政府规模、减少政府干预经济以及强硬的对外政策。他的著作《保守主义》对美国保守主义思想发展产生了重要影响。戈德华特以其坦率的言辞和坚定不移的信念而被人们铭记。他被誉为美国保守主义的先驱,其政治遗产至今仍在美国政治中发挥作用。
Barry Goldwater (January 1, 1909 – May 29, 1998) was a highly influential American politician known for his staunch conservative stances. He served as a United States Senator from Arizona from 1952 to 1968 and ran for President of the United States in 1964 as the Republican nominee. Despite losing the presidential election to Lyndon B. Johnson, his impact on American politics and the conservative movement was profound. Goldwater's presidential campaign is considered a turning point for the modern conservative movement, paving the way for later conservative politicians such as Ronald Reagan. Some of his political views, such as his hardline stances on civil rights and economic issues, generated considerable controversy in American society at the time, but also rallied a significant base of support, strengthening the conservative wing of American politics. He advocated for smaller government, less government intervention in the economy, and a strong foreign policy. His book, "The Conscience of a Conservative," significantly influenced the development of conservative thought in the United States. Goldwater was remembered for his outspokenness and unwavering beliefs. He is considered a pioneer of American conservatism, and his political legacy continues to resonate in American politics.
Dialogues 1
A: 你听说过巴里·戈德华特吗?
B: 听说过,他是美国一位著名的保守派政治家,对吧?
A: 对的,他还是亚利桑那州的参议员,并且在1964年竞选过总统。
B: 我记得他的一些政治观点在美国当时非常具有争议性。
A: 是的,他的保守主义立场在当时自由主义盛行的美国社会中显得非常突出。
B: 他为美国政治留下了怎样的遗产?
A: 他对共和党和美国保守主义运动的发展影响深远,许多人认为他是现代保守主义的先驱。
A: Have you heard of Barry Goldwater?
B: Yes, I have. He was a prominent conservative politician in the US, right?
A: That's right. He was a Senator from Arizona and ran for president in 1964.
B: I remember his political views were quite controversial in the US at that time.
A: Yes, his conservative stance stood out sharply in the then-prevalent liberal American society.
B: What kind of legacy did he leave on American politics?
A: His influence on the Republican Party and the American conservative movement was profound; many consider him a pioneer of modern conservatism.
Dialogues 2
A: 你能简单介绍一下巴里·戈德华特吗?
B: 好的,巴里·戈德华特是美国一位有影响力的政治家,以其坚定的保守主义立场而闻名。
A: 他担任过什么职务?
B: 他是亚利桑那州的参议员,并于1964年代表共和党竞选总统,尽管最终落败。
A: 他的政治理念对美国产生了什么影响?
B: 他的政治理念对美国保守主义运动产生了深远的影响,并塑造了现代共和党的许多方面。
A: 他的政治生涯有什么值得注意的事件?
B: 他1964年的总统竞选活动尤其引人注目,因为它被认为是现代保守主义运动的转折点。
A: Can you briefly introduce Barry Goldwater?
B: Sure, Barry Goldwater was an influential American politician known for his strong conservative stances.
A: What positions did he hold?
B: He served as a Senator from Arizona and ran for president in 1964 as the Republican nominee, though he ultimately lost.
A: What impact did his political ideas have on the United States?
B: His political ideas had a profound impact on the American conservative movement and shaped many aspects of the modern Republican Party.
A: Were there any notable events in his political career?
B: His 1964 presidential campaign was particularly noteworthy as it's considered a turning point for the modern conservative movement.
Cultural Background
Advanced Expressions
His political legacy continues to shape the discourse on American conservatism.
His staunch conservative views resonated deeply with a segment of the American population.
Goldwater's influence transcends mere political posturing; it represents a fundamental shift in American ideology.
Key Points
Practice Tips