弗朗西斯·珀金斯 Frances Perkins
Content Introduction
弗朗西斯·珀金斯(Frances Perkins,1880年4月10日-1965年5月14日)是美国历史上第一位女性内阁成员,也是一位杰出的社会改革家。她于1933年至1945年担任美国劳工部长,在富兰克林·罗斯福总统领导下的新政时期发挥了关键作用。
在罗斯福新政期间,珀金斯作为劳工部长,起草并推动通过了多项重要的劳工立法,其中最著名的就是《公平劳动标准法案》(Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938)。该法案确立了最低工资和最高工时制度,对美国劳工的权益保护产生了深远的影响,至今仍在发挥作用。此外,她还积极参与制定其他保障工人权利和福利的政策,例如社会保障体系的建立等。
Frances Perkins (April 10, 1880 – May 14, 1965) was the first woman to serve in the United States Cabinet, and a prominent social reformer. She served as the U.S. Secretary of Labor from 1933 to 1945, playing a pivotal role during President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal era.
Perkins' early life experiences witnessing the harsh realities of industrial accidents and the poverty and injustice faced by the working class profoundly shaped her worldview. This led her to dedicate her life to social reform, striving to improve working conditions and living standards for workers. She actively participated in various social movements and made significant contributions to advancing labor rights.
During the New Deal, as Secretary of Labor, Perkins drafted and championed several critical pieces of labor legislation, most notably the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. This act established minimum wage and maximum hour laws, profoundly impacting the protection of American workers' rights and continues to be in effect today. Beyond this, she played a key role in developing other policies ensuring workers' rights and benefits, such as the establishment of the Social Security system.
Perkins made an indelible contribution to the advancement of American society. Her courage, wisdom, and dedication serve as an inspiration for future generations. She was not merely a politician but a fighter for social justice and equality, setting a precedent for women's participation in public life. Her achievements have profoundly influenced American labor history and the development of the social welfare system.
Dialogues 1
A: 你知道弗朗西斯·珀金斯吗?
B: 听说过,她是美国历史上第一位女内阁成员,对吧?
A: 对的!她还是一位重要的社会改革家,为改善美国劳工的处境做出了巨大贡献。
B: 具体来说,她做了些什么呢?
A: 她推动了《公平劳动标准法案》的通过,确立了最低工资和最高工时制度,为保障美国工人的权益发挥了关键作用。她还积极参与了罗斯福新政,为应对大萧条做出了贡献。
B: 真是了不起的女性!她对美国的历史影响深远啊。
A: 没错,她的贡献值得我们铭记。
A: Do you know Frances Perkins?
B: I've heard of her. She was the first female cabinet member in US history, right?
A: That's right! She was also an important social reformer who made significant contributions to improving the working conditions of American workers.
B: What exactly did she do?
A: She spearheaded the passage of the Fair Labor Standards Act, establishing minimum wage and maximum hours, playing a crucial role in protecting the rights of American workers. She was also actively involved in the New Deal, contributing to the response to the Great Depression.
B: What an amazing woman! Her influence on American history is profound.
A: That's right, her contributions deserve to be remembered.
Cultural Background
美国新政时期(The New Deal)是美国历史上的一个重要时期,指的是富兰克林·罗斯福总统在位期间(1933年-1945年)为应对大萧条而采取的一系列经济和社会改革措施。
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (《公平劳动标准法案》) 是美国的一项重要法律,确立了最低工资和最高工时制度,对保障美国工人的权益具有深远的影响。
社会保障体系(Social Security System)是美国政府建立的社会保障制度,为美国公民提供养老金、残疾人救济金、遗属津贴等社会福利。
美国内阁成员(Cabinet Member)是美国政府中最重要的决策者之一,内阁成员由总统任命,并需经参议院批准。
Advanced Expressions
She played an instrumental role in shaping the modern American welfare state.
Her legacy continues to inspire advocates for workers' rights and social justice.
Perkins' unwavering commitment to social reform exemplifies the power of individual action to effect large-scale change.
The Fair Labor Standards Act stands as a testament to her enduring impact on American society.
She navigated the complex political landscape of the New Deal era with remarkable skill and determination
Key Points
适合年龄:高中以上 适用身份:对美国历史、社会改革、女性历史感兴趣的人群 常见错误:对新政的理解不够深入,对《公平劳动标准法案》的了解不足
Practice Tips
练习时可以结合图片、视频等资料,更深入地了解弗朗西斯·珀金斯及其时代背景。 可以尝试用不同方式来表达弗朗西斯·珀金斯的贡献,例如用简洁的语言概括,或用生动的例子来阐述。 可以与他人进行角色扮演,模拟真实的对话场景,加深对弗朗西斯·珀金斯的理解和运用。