毕业典礼的概念 The Concept of Graduation Ceremonies
Content Introduction
在美国,毕业典礼(Graduation Ceremonies)是大学及高中毕业生庆祝他们学业完成的重要仪式。它通常包含庄严的学位授予仪式、校长或其他重要人物的演讲、毕业生的致辞以及庆祝活动。典礼的规模和形式因学校而异,大型大学的典礼可能在体育馆或大型礼堂举行,并有数千名学生参加;而小型学院的典礼则可能在校园的某个户外场地举行,气氛相对更轻松和亲密。
In the United States, graduation ceremonies are significant rituals celebrating the completion of studies for college and high school graduates. They typically involve a formal degree-awarding ceremony, speeches by the president or other important figures, addresses by graduating students, and celebratory events. The scale and format of the ceremonies vary depending on the institution. Large university ceremonies might take place in stadiums or large auditoriums with thousands of students participating, while smaller college ceremonies could be held in an outdoor campus setting, with a more relaxed and intimate atmosphere.
The ceremonies usually consist of several key parts: Firstly, a formal procession where graduating students, dressed in academic gowns, enter in order of college or major; next, welcoming remarks and speeches from the president or other officials. These speeches often revolve around the students’ achievements, the challenges ahead, and perspectives on life; then comes the degree-awarding ceremony, where graduates receive their diplomas, symbolizing the official completion of their studies; finally, celebratory events, which usually include taking photos and celebrating with family and friends.
In American culture, graduation ceremonies represent a significant milestone, marking the end of a phase of learning and the beginning of a new chapter in life. It is not only an affirmation of the graduates’ achievements but also a blessing and hope for their future development. Graduation ceremonies often invite distinguished alumni or celebrities to deliver speeches, sharing their life experiences and inspiring the graduates to face future challenges proactively. The traditions surrounding graduation ceremonies also vary among different schools; for example, some schools have unique rituals or traditional costumes, while others hold dances or other celebratory events after the ceremony.
In summary, American graduation ceremonies are comprehensive events combining academic achievement celebrations, life-outlook rituals, and cultural heritage. They reflect American society's emphasis on education and personal development and also carry the graduates’ hopes and dreams for the future.
Dialogues 1
A: 你知道美国的毕业典礼是什么样的吗?
B: 听说很隆重,有演讲,还有学位授予仪式。
A: 是的,而且每个学校的传统和规模都不一样,有的还会请名人演讲,气氛非常热烈。
B: 听起来真棒!有机会一定要去参加一次。
A: 有机会一起去看吧!毕业典礼不仅仅是庆祝毕业,也象征着人生新阶段的开始。
B: 对啊,一个新的篇章即将开启。
A: Do you know what graduation ceremonies are like in the US?
B: I heard they are very grand, with speeches and degree awarding ceremonies.
A: Yes, and the traditions and scale vary from school to school. Some even invite celebrities to speak, and the atmosphere is very enthusiastic.
B: Sounds amazing! I must attend one if I have the chance.
A: Let's go together if we have a chance! Graduation ceremonies are not just celebrations of graduation, they also symbolize the beginning of a new stage in life.
B: Yes, a new chapter is about to begin.
Cultural Background
Advanced Expressions
The commencement ceremony marked a significant milestone in their lives.
The valedictorian's address was both poignant and inspiring.
The pomp and circumstance of the graduation ceremony were unforgettable.
Graduation symbolizes not just an end, but a new beginning of infinite possibilities.
Key Points
Practice Tips