漫威与DC宇宙的创立 The Creation of the Marvel and DC Universes mànwēi yǔ DC yǔzhòu de chuànglì

Content Introduction



漫威漫画公司(Marvel Comics)成立于20世纪30年代,早期作品多以冒险、恐怖和科幻为主题,反映了当时美国社会大萧条时期人们对刺激和幻想的需求。二战后,漫威开始创作更具社会意义的作品,例如《惊奇四侠》和《蜘蛛侠》,塑造出更具人性和复杂性的超级英雄形象,他们并非完美无缺,而是有着自身的弱点和挣扎,更贴近普通人的生活。这些英雄的形象也反映了战后美国社会中个人英雄主义和社会责任感的交织。

DC漫画公司(DC Comics)的历史更为悠久,其前身可追溯到20世纪30年代早期。DC的作品风格通常更侧重于英雄主义的传统价值观,例如正义、勇气和牺牲。其代表作《超人》和《蝙蝠侠》等塑造的英雄形象往往是近乎完美的,拥有超凡的能力和坚定不移的信念,成为美国文化中理想化英雄的象征。这与美国社会对道德和秩序的追求以及对国家英雄的崇拜有关。



mànwēi hé DC màn huì yǔzhòu de dànshēng, shì měiguó liúxíng wénhuà de zhòngyào zǔchéng bùfen, tāmen de fāzhǎn yǔ měiguó shèhuì de lìshǐ biànqiān, wénhuà sīcháo yǐjí jiàzhíguān yǒuzhe mìqiè de liánxì.

mànwēi màn huì gōngsī (Marvel Comics) chénglì yú 20 shìjì 30 niándài, zǎoqī zuòpǐn duō yǐ màoxiǎn, kǒngbù hé kēhuàn wéi zhǔtí, fǎnyìng le dāngshí měiguó shèhuì dà xiāotíáo shíqī rénmen duì cìjī hé huànxiǎng de xūqiú. èrzhàn hòu, mànwēi kāishǐ chuàngzuò gèng jù shèhuì yìyì de zuòpǐn, lìrú《jīngqí sìxiá》hé《zhīzhū xiá》, sùzào chū gèng jù rénxìng hé fùzáxìng de chāojí yīngxióng xíngxiàng, tāmen bìngfēi wánměi wúquē, ér shì yǒuzhe zìshēn de ruòdiǎn hé zhengzhá, gèng tiē jìn pǔtōng rén de shēnghuó. zhèxiē yīngxióng de xíngxiàng yě fǎnyìng le zhànhòu měiguó shèhuì zhōng gèrén yīngxióng zhǔyì hé shèhuì zérèngǎn de jiāozhī.

DC màn huì gōngsī (DC Comics) de lìshǐ gèng wéi yōujiǔ, qí qiánhén kě zhuīsù dào 20 shìjì 30 niándài zǎoqī. DC de zuòpǐn fēnggé tōngcháng gèng cèzhòng yú yīngxióng zhǔyì de chuántǒng jiàzhíguān, lìrú zhèngyì, yǒngqì hé xīshēng. qí dàibiǎo zuò《chāorén》hé《biānfú xiá》děng sùzào de yīngxióng xíngxiàng wǎngwǎng shì jìn hū wánměi de, yǒngyǒu chāofán de nénglì hé jiāndìng bù yí de xìnyàn, chéngwéi měiguó wénhuà zhōng lǐxiǎng huà yīngxióng de xiàngzhēng. zhè yǔ měiguó shèhuì duì dàodé hé zhìxù de zhuīqiú yǐjí duì guójiā yīngxióng de chóngbài yǒuguān.

mànwēi hé DC màn huì yǔzhòu de chuàngzuò bù jǐn fǎnyìng le měiguó shèhuì de lìshǐ hé wénhuà biànqiān, yě sùzào le měiguó liúxíng wénhuà de zhòngyào fúhào, duì quánqiú de màn huì chǎnyè hé yúlè wénhuà chǎnshēng le shēnyuǎn de yǐngxiǎng. tāmen wèi shìjiè gè dì de dúzhě hé guānzhòng tígōng le yīgè gè chōngmǎn xiǎngxiàng lì hé màoxiǎn jīngshen de shìjiè, bìng zài bùtóng chéngdù shàng fǎnyìng le měiguó shèhuì duì yīngxióng zhǔyì, lǐxiǎng zhǔyì hé rénxìng de lǐjiě yǔ qiǎnshì.


The creation of the Marvel and DC comic universes is an important part of American popular culture. Their development is closely related to the historical changes, cultural trends, and values of American society.

Marvel Comics was founded in the 1930s. Early works were mostly about adventure, horror, and science fiction, reflecting the need for excitement and fantasy in American society during the Great Depression. After World War II, Marvel began to create works with more social significance, such as "Fantastic Four" and "Spider-Man." These works shaped superhero images that are more human and complex. They are not perfect, but have their own weaknesses and struggles, closer to the lives of ordinary people. These heroic images also reflect the intertwining of individual heroism and social responsibility in post-war American society.

DC Comics has a longer history, dating back to the early 1930s. DC's works usually focus more on traditional heroic values, such as justice, courage, and sacrifice. Representative works such as "Superman" and "Batman" portray heroes who are almost perfect, possessing extraordinary abilities and unwavering beliefs, becoming symbols of idealized heroes in American culture. This is related to American society's pursuit of morality and order, and the worship of national heroes.

The creation of the Marvel and DC comic universes not only reflects the historical and cultural changes of American society, but also shapes important symbols of American popular culture, and has had a profound impact on the global comics industry and entertainment culture. They provide readers and audiences around the world with imaginative and adventurous worlds, and reflect, to varying degrees, American society's understanding and interpretation of heroism, idealism, and humanity.


Dialogues 1


A: 你知道漫威和DC漫画宇宙是怎么诞生的吗?
B: 不太了解,只知道它们有很多超级英雄。
A: 其实它们的发展都和美国的文化背景紧密相关,漫威诞生于20世纪30年代的美国,反映了当时人们对冒险和反英雄的渴望,而DC则更早,反映了美国社会对正义和理想的追求。
B: 原来如此,那它们创作的风格有什么不同呢?
A: 漫威的风格相对更贴近现实,角色们有缺点和人性化的挣扎,而DC的英雄则更理想化,正义感更强烈。
B: 听起来很有意思,有机会可以深入了解一下。


A: nǐ zhīdào mànwēi hé DC màn huì yǔzhòu shì zěnme dàn shēng de ma?
B: bù tài liǎojiě, zhǐ zhīdào tāmen yǒu hěn duō chāojí yīngxióng.
A: qíshí tāmen de fāzhǎn dōu hé měiguó de wénhuà bèijǐng jǐnmiè xiāngguān, mànwēi dànshēng yú 20 shìjì 30 niándài de měiguó, fǎnyìng le dāngshí rénmen duì màoxiǎn hé fǎn yīngxióng de kěwàng, ér DC zé gèng zǎo, fǎnyìng le měiguó shèhuì duì zhèngyì hé lǐxiǎng de zhuīqiú.
B: yuánlái rúcǐ, nà tāmen chuàngzuò de fēnggé yǒu shénme bùtóng ne?
A: mànwēi de fēnggé xiāngduì gèng tiē jìn xiànshí, juésè men yǒu quēdiǎn hé rénxìng huà de zhengzhá, ér DC de yīngxióng zé gèng lǐxiǎng huà, zhèngyì gǎn gèng qiángliè.
B: tīng qǐlái hěn yǒuyìsi, yǒu jīhuì kěyǐ shēnrù liǎojiě yīxià.


A: Do you know how the Marvel and DC comic universes were created?
B: Not really, I only know they have many superheroes.
A: Actually, their development is closely related to the American cultural background. Marvel was born in the 1930s in the United States, reflecting people's desire for adventure and anti-heroes at that time, while DC is earlier, reflecting American society's pursuit of justice and ideals.
B: I see, so what are the differences in their creative styles?
A: Marvel's style is relatively closer to reality, the characters have flaws and human struggles, while DC's heroes are more idealized, with a stronger sense of justice.
B: Sounds interesting, I can learn more about it if I have a chance.

Cultural Background





Advanced Expressions


The evolution of these comic universes mirrors the societal shifts and cultural anxieties of America.

The archetypal heroes embody American ideals and aspirations.

These narratives serve as a reflection of American identity and its evolution through time.

Key Points



Practice Tips



