爱德华·艾比 Edward Abbey ài dé huá · āi bǐ

Content Introduction


爱德华·艾比(Edward Abbey,1927年1月29日—1989年3月14日)是美国20世纪后期的著名作家、环保活动家和哲学家。他以其对美国西部的热爱和对环境破坏的强烈批判而闻名。他的作品以其优美的文笔、深刻的思想和对人与自然关系的独特见解而受到广泛赞誉。
艾比出生于俄亥俄州,在亚利桑那州的荒野中度过了他人生的重要部分。这段经历深深地影响了他的作品,他笔下的美国西部充满了原始的自然之美,同时也充满了对人类破坏环境行为的控诉。最著名的作品《荒野之歌》(Desert Solitaire)记录了他作为一名公园管理员在亚利桑那州的拱门国家公园度过的一年的经历,书中生动地描绘了荒野的景色和他的内心世界,展现了他对荒野的热爱和对环境的思考。此外,他的另一部重要作品《猴子扳手》(The Monkey Wrench Gang)则是一部充满反叛精神的小说,描述了一群环保主义者为保护美国西部荒野而采取的极端行动,引发了人们对环境保护问题的思考和讨论。


ài dé huá · āi bǐ (Edward Abbey, 1927 nián 1 yuè 29 rì — 1989 nián 3 yuè 14 rì) shì měiguó 20 shìjì hòuqī de zhùmíng zuòjiā, huánbǎo huódòngjiā hé zhéxuéjiā. tā yǐ qí duì měiguó xībù de rè'ài hé duì huánjìng pòhuài de qiángliè pīpàn ér wénmíng. tā de zuòpǐn yǐ qí yōuměi de wénbǐ, shēnkè de sīxiǎng hé duì rén yǔ zìrán guānxi de dúte jiànjiě ér shòudào guǎngfàn zànyù.
āi bǐ chūshēng yú éhài'ō zhōu, zài yàlìsāngnià zhōu de huāngyě zhōng dùguò le tā rénshēng de zhòngyào bùfen. zhè duàn jīnglì shēnshēn de yǐngxiǎng le tā de zuòpǐn, tā bǐxià de měiguó xībù chōngmǎn le yuánshǐ de zìrán zhī měi, tóngshí yě chōngmǎn le duì rénlèi pòhuài huánjìng xíngwéi de kòngsù. zuì zhùmíng de zuòpǐn 《huāngyě zhī gē》(Desert Solitaire) jìlù le tā zuòwéi yī míng gōngyuán guǎnlǐyuán zài yàlìsāngnià zhōu de gōngmén guójiā gōngyuán dùguò de yī nián de jīnglì, shū zhōng shēngdòng de miáohuì le huāngyě de jǐngsè hé tā de nèixīn shìjiè, zhǎnxiàn le tā duì huāngyě de rè'ài hé duì huánjìng de sīkǎo. cǐwài, tā de lìng yī bù zhòngyào zuòpǐn 《hóu zi bānshuǐ》(The Monkey Wrench Gang) zé shì yī bù chōngmǎn fǎnpàn jīngshen de xiǎoshuō, miáoshù le yī qún huánbǎo zhǔyì zhě wèi bǎohù měiguó xībù huāngyě ér cǎiqǔ de jíduān xíngdòng, yǐnfā le rénmen duì huánjìng bǎohù wèntí de sīkǎo hé tǎolùn.
āi bǐ de sīxiǎng hé zuòpǐn duì měiguó de huánjìng bǎohù yùndòng chǎnshēng le shēnyuǎn de yǐngxiǎng, tā bèi rènwéi shì měiguó huánbǎo zhǔyì yùndòng de xiānqū zhī yī. tā de zuòpǐn bù jǐn jùyǒu wénxué jiàzhí, gèng shì zhòngyào de shì, tāmen jīfā le rénmen duì huánjìng bǎohù de yìshí, cùshǐ rénmen qù sīkǎo rén yǔ zìrán héxié gòngshēng de wèntí. tā qiángdiào guīhuí zìrán, fǎnduì guòdù kāifā hé gōngyè huà duì huánjìng de pòhuài, zhè zhǒng lǐnián zài jīntiān réngrán jùyǒu zhòngyào de xiànshí yìyì.


Edward Abbey (January 29, 1927 – March 14, 1989) was a prominent American writer, environmental activist, and philosopher of the later 20th century. He is known for his passionate love of the American West and his scathing critiques of environmental destruction. His works are widely acclaimed for their beautiful prose, profound ideas, and unique insights into the relationship between humans and nature.
Born in Ohio, Abbey spent a significant part of his life in the wilderness of Arizona. This experience profoundly shaped his writing. His portrayal of the American West is filled with the pristine beauty of nature, but also with indictments of humanity's destructive actions. His most famous work, "Desert Solitaire," recounts his year as a park ranger in Arches National Park in Arizona. The book vividly depicts the scenery of the wilderness and his inner world, showcasing his love for the wild and his reflections on the environment. Furthermore, his other significant work, "The Monkey Wrench Gang," is a rebellious novel depicting a group of environmentalists taking extreme measures to protect the wilderness of the American West, sparking reflection and discussion on environmental protection.
Abbey's ideas and works had a profound impact on the American environmental movement, and he is considered one of its pioneers. His works not only have literary value but, more importantly, have inspired environmental awareness and prompted reflection on the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature. His emphasis on returning to nature and opposing the destructive impact of over-development and industrialization on the environment remains highly relevant today.


Dialogues 1


A: 你听说过爱德华·艾比吗?
B: 听说过,好像是个美国作家,写环保主题的?
A: 对,他是个非常有影响力的环保主义者和作家,他的作品强烈批判了美国西部的过度开发。
B: 他的哪些作品比较有名?
A: 《荒野之歌》是最著名的,还有《猴子扳手》也受到很多人的推崇。
B: 我觉得他的环保理念在今天仍然非常有意义,值得我们学习。
A: 没错,他的作品至今仍能引起人们的共鸣,启迪人们思考人与自然的关系。


A: nǐ tīng shuō guò ài dé huá · āi bǐ ma?
B: tīng shuō guò, hǎo xiàng shì gè měiguó zuò jiā, xiě huán bǎo zhǔ tí de?
A: duì, tā shì gè fēicháng yǒu yǐng xiǎng lì de huán bǎo zhǔ yì zhě hé zuò jiā, tā de zuò pǐn qiáng liè pīpàn le měiguó xībù de guòdù kāifā.
B: tā de nǎ xiē zuò pǐn bǐjiào yǒumíng?
A: 《huāng yě zhī gē》 shì zuì zhùmíng de, hái yǒu 《hóu zi bān shuǐ》 yě shòu dào hěn duō rén de tuīchōng.
B: wǒ juéde tā de huán bǎo lǐnián zài jīntiān réngrán fēicháng yǒu yìyì, zhídé wǒmen xuéxí.
A: mèicuò, tā de zuò pǐn zhì jīn réng néng yǐnqǐ rénmen de gòngmíng, qǐdí rénmen sīkǎo rén yǔ zìrán de guānxi.


A: Have you ever heard of Edward Abbey?
B: Yes, I think he was an American writer, writing about environmental themes?
A: Yes, he was a very influential environmentalist and writer. His works strongly criticize the over-development of the American West.
B: Which of his works are more famous?
A: "Desert Solitaire" is the most famous one, and "The Monkey Wrench Gang" is also highly praised.
B: I think his environmental philosophy is still very meaningful today and worth learning from.
A: That's right. His works still resonate with people today, inspiring them to think about the relationship between humans and nature.

Cultural Background





Advanced Expressions


Edward Abbey's profound insights into the human-nature dialectic

Abbey's unflinching critique of unchecked industrialization

The enduring relevance of Abbey's environmental philosophy

Key Points



Practice Tips


可以阅读Edward Abbey的作品,加深对他的了解

