爱德温·哈勃 Edwin Hubble ài dé wēn hǎ bó

Content Introduction


爱德温·哈勃(Edwin Hubble,1889年11月20日-1953年9月28日)是一位具有里程碑式意义的美国天文学家,他革命性地改变了我们对宇宙的认知。在20世纪初期,人们普遍认为宇宙只包含银河系,而哈勃通过对遥远星云(现称为河外星系)的光谱观测,证明了这些星云实际上是独立于银河系之外的星系,极大地扩展了我们对宇宙空间的理解。




ài dé wēn hǎ bó (Edwin Hubble, 1889 nián 11 yuè 20 rì-1953 nián 9 yuè 28 rì) shì yī wèi jù yǒu lǐ chéng bèi shì yì yì de měi guó tiān wén xué jiā, tā gé mìng xìng de gǎi biàn le wǒ men duì yǔ zhòu de rèn zhī. zài 20 shì jì chū qī, rén men pǔ biàn rèn wéi yǔ zhòu zhǐ bāo hán yín hé xì, ér hǎ bó tōng guò duì yáo yuǎn xīng yún (xiàn chēng wèi hé wài xīng xì) de guāng pǔ guān cè, zhèng míng le zhè xiē xīng yún shí jì shang shì dú lì yú yín hé xì zhī wài de xīng xì, jí dà de kuò zhǎn le wǒ men duì yǔ zhòu kōng jiān de lǐ jiě.

hǎ bó zuì wěi dà de gòng xiàn shì fā xiàn le xīng xì de tuì xíng sù dù yǔ qí jù lí chéng zhèng bǐ de guān xì, jí zhuó míng de hǎ bó dìng lǜ. zhè yī fā xiàn zhí jiē dǎo zhì le yǔ zhòu péng zhàng lǐ lùn de tí chū, chéng wéi xiàn dài yǔ zhòu xué de jī chǔ. hǎ bó dìng lǜ bù jǐn jiē shì le yǔ zhòu de dòng tài běn zhì, ér qiě wèi gū suàn yǔ zhòu nián líng hé yǔ zhòu chǐ dù tí gōng le guān jiàn yī jù.

chú le zhè xiē tuò pò xìng fā xiàn, hǎ bó hái tích jí tuī dōng le tiān wén xué jì shù de jìn bù, duì xīng xì xíng tài xué jìn xíng le shēn rù yán jiū, bìng jiàn lì le xīng xì fēn lèi xì tǒng, wèi hòu lái de tiān wén xué yán jiū diàn lì le jī chǔ. tā de gōng zuò duì měi guó nǎi zhì shì jiè tiān wén xué fā zhǎn dōu chǎn shēng le shēn yuǎn de yǐng xiǎng, shǐ tā chéng wéi 20 shì jì zuì wěi dà de tiān wén xué jiā zhī yī. zài dāng shí měi guó péng bó fā zhǎn de kē jì hé jīng jì bèi jǐng xià, hǎ bó de kē yán gōng zuò dé dào le dà lì zhī chí, zhè yǔ měi guó de kē yán huán jìng hé wén huà fēn wéi mì bù kě fēn.


Edwin Powell Hubble (November 20, 1889 – September 28, 1953) was a landmark American astronomer who revolutionized our understanding of the universe. In the early 20th century, it was widely believed that the universe contained only the Milky Way galaxy. Hubble, through spectroscopic observations of distant nebulae (now known as extragalactic galaxies), proved that these nebulae were actually galaxies independent of the Milky Way, greatly expanding our understanding of the vastness of space.

Hubble's greatest contribution was the discovery of the relationship between the recession velocity of galaxies and their distance, the famous Hubble's Law. This discovery directly led to the proposal of the theory of the expanding universe and became the foundation of modern cosmology. Hubble's Law not only revealed the dynamic nature of the universe but also provided key evidence for estimating the age and scale of the universe.

In addition to these groundbreaking discoveries, Hubble actively promoted the advancement of astronomical technology, conducted in-depth research on galaxy morphology, and established a galaxy classification system, laying the foundation for future astronomical research. His work had a profound impact on the development of astronomy in the United States and the world, making him one of the greatest astronomers of the 20th century. Against the backdrop of the booming science and technology and economy in the United States at that time, Hubble's scientific research was strongly supported, which is inseparable from the scientific research environment and cultural atmosphere of the United States.


Dialogues 1


A: 你听说过爱德温·哈勃吗?
B: 听说过,好像是个天文学家?
A: 是的,他证明了宇宙在膨胀,对现代宇宙学做出了巨大贡献。你知道他的一些主要成就吗?
B: 我只知道他发现了河外星系,这改变了我们对宇宙的认知。
A: 没错!他还提出了哈勃定律,描述了星系退行速度和距离之间的关系。
B: 哈勃定律?听起来很专业。能简单解释一下吗?
A: 简单来说,就是距离我们越远的星系,退行速度越快。这表明宇宙正在不断膨胀。
B: 太神奇了!看来我需要学习更多关于他的知识了。


A: nǐ tīng shuō guò ài dé wēn hǎ bó ma?
B: tīng shuō guò, hǎo xiàng shì ge tiān wén xué jiā?
A: shì de, tā zhèng míng le yǔ zhòu zài péng zhàng, duì xiàn dài yǔ zhòu xué zuò chū le jù dà gòng xiàn. nǐ zhī dào tā de yī xiē zhǔ yào chéng jiù ma?
B: wǒ zhǐ zhī dào tā fā xiàn le hé wài xīng xì, zhè gǎi biàn le wǒ men duì yǔ zhòu de rèn zhī.
A: zhè shì duì de! tā hái tí chū le hǎ bó dìng lǜ, què xíng le xīng xì tuì xíng sù dù hé jù lí zhī jiān de guān xì.
B: hǎ bó dìng lǜ? tīng qǐ lái hěn zhuān yè. néng jiǎn dān jiě shì yī xià ma?
A: jiǎn dān lái shuō, jiù shì jù lí wǒ men yuè yuǎn de xīng xì, tuì xíng sù dù yuè kuài. zhè biǎo míng yǔ zhòu zhèng zài bù duàn péng zhàng.
B: tài shén qí le! kàn lái wǒ xū yào xué xí gèng duō guānyú tā de zhī shì le.


A: Have you heard of Edwin Hubble?
B: Yes, I think he was an astronomer?
A: Yes, he proved that the universe is expanding and made a huge contribution to modern cosmology. Do you know some of his major achievements?
B: I only know that he discovered extragalactic nebulae, which changed our understanding of the universe.
A: That's right! He also proposed Hubble's Law, which describes the relationship between the recession velocity and distance of galaxies.
B: Hubble's Law? Sounds professional. Can you explain it simply?
A: Simply put, the farther a galaxy is from us, the faster it recedes. This shows that the universe is constantly expanding.
B: Amazing! It seems that I need to learn more about him.

Cultural Background




Advanced Expressions




Key Points



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