约翰·马歇尔 John Marshall
Content Introduction
约翰·马歇尔(John Marshall,1755年9月24日-1835年7月6日)是美国第四任首席大法官,任职长达34年(1801-1835年),被誉为美国司法体系的奠基人。他出身于弗吉尼亚州的一个种植园主家庭,在独立战争期间服役,后成为律师,并参与了弗吉尼亚州的政治生活。
马歇尔最为人称道的贡献是确立了美国联邦最高法院的权威,特别是通过具有里程碑意义的判决,如马伯里诉麦迪逊案(Marbury v. Madison),确立了司法审查权,赋予最高法院权力审查国会通过的法律和总统发布的法令是否符合宪法。这一判决不仅奠定了美国三权分立制度的基础,也确立了最高法院在联邦政府中的至高无上的地位。
除了马伯里诉麦迪逊案之外,马歇尔还审理了许多其他重要案件,例如麦科洛克诉马里兰州案(McCulloch v. Maryland),他支持了联邦政府的权力,巩固了美国联邦政府的权威。他通过对宪法的精细解读,为美国早期国家建设作出了巨大贡献,他的判决至今仍对美国法律体系产生着深远的影响,深受美国人民的敬仰。
John Marshall (September 24, 1755 – July 6, 1835) served as the fourth Chief Justice of the United States for an unprecedented 34 years (1801–1835), and is widely considered the founder of the American judicial system. Born into a Virginia planter family, he served in the Revolutionary War, later becoming a lawyer and participating in Virginia politics.
Marshall's most significant contribution was establishing the authority of the U.S. Supreme Court, particularly through landmark decisions such as Marbury v. Madison, which established the principle of judicial review, granting the Court the power to review laws passed by Congress and executive orders issued by the President for their constitutionality. This decision not only underpinned the American system of checks and balances but also established the Supreme Court's supremacy within the federal government.
During his tenure as Chief Justice, Marshall strengthened the power of the federal government and infused stability into the American legal system. His rulings interpreted constitutional clauses, laying a solid foundation for the functioning of American federalism. His decisions emphasized the principle of federal government supremacy over state governments. He also standardized judicial procedure, increased judicial efficiency, and provided many legal principles and precedents for posterity.
Beyond Marbury v. Madison, Marshall presided over many other important cases, such as McCulloch v. Maryland, where he upheld federal power, further solidifying the authority of the U.S. government. Through his meticulous interpretation of the Constitution, he made enormous contributions to the early nation-building of the United States. His decisions continue to have a profound impact on the American legal system, and he remains highly revered by the American people.
Dialogues 1
A: 你了解约翰·马歇尔吗?
B: 当然,他是美国历史上最重要的法官之一,他的判决对美国司法体系产生了深远的影响。
A: 你能具体说说他的贡献吗?
B: 他的主要贡献在于确立了最高法院在司法体系中的主导地位,以及对联邦政府权力的解释。他主张联邦政府拥有广泛的权力,这巩固了美国联邦制的稳定性。
A: 他的哪些判决最为著名?
B: 马伯里诉麦迪逊案最为著名,它确立了司法审查制度,赋予了最高法院审查法律的权力。
A: 真是位了不起的人物!他影响了美国的发展进程。
B: 的确如此,他的贡献至今仍对美国法律和政治产生着深远的影响。
A: Do you know about John Marshall?
B: Of course, he's one of the most important justices in American history. His rulings had a profound impact on the American judicial system.
A: Can you elaborate on his contributions?
B: His main contribution was establishing the Supreme Court's dominance in the judicial system and his interpretation of federal government power. He argued for broad federal powers, which solidified the stability of the American federal system.
A: Which of his rulings are most famous?
B: Marbury v. Madison is the most famous, as it established the principle of judicial review, giving the Supreme Court the power to review laws.
A: He was a remarkable figure! He influenced the course of American development.
B: Indeed, his contribution continues to have a profound impact on American law and politics.
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