芭芭拉·麦克林托克 Barbara McClintock
Content Introduction
芭芭拉·麦克林托克(Barbara McClintock,1902年6月16日—1992年9月2日)是一位美国科学家,细胞遗传学家,因发现转座子(“跳跃基因”)而闻名于世。她的研究成果彻底改变了人们对基因和基因组的理解。麦克林托克出生于美国纽约,在康奈尔大学获得植物学博士学位。她在冷泉港实验室工作了近五十年,对玉米的遗传学进行了深入研究。她利用显微镜观察玉米染色体的变化,发现了基因可以从染色体的一个位置跳跃到另一个位置,这种现象被称为“转座”。这一发现最初未被广泛接受,但在后来的几十年里,随着分子生物学技术的进步和相关证据的积累,她的理论得到了广泛证实。1983年,麦克林托克因其对转座子的开创性研究,获得了诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,成为历史上第一位单独获得诺贝尔奖生理学或医学奖的女科学家,她对遗传学和基因组学做出的杰出贡献,以及她作为女性科学家所展现的勇气和毅力,都激励着后代的科学家们。
Barbara McClintock (June 16, 1902 – September 2, 1992) was an American scientist and cytogeneticist renowned for her discovery of transposons, also known as "jumping genes." Her groundbreaking research revolutionized our understanding of genes and genomes. Born in New York City, McClintock earned a PhD in botany from Cornell University. She spent nearly five decades working at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, where she conducted extensive research on the genetics of maize (corn). Using microscopy, she observed changes in maize chromosomes and discovered that genes could move from one chromosomal location to another, a phenomenon she termed "transposition." This discovery was initially met with skepticism, but over subsequent decades, advancements in molecular biology techniques and accumulating evidence confirmed her theory. In 1983, McClintock was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her pioneering work on transposons, becoming the first woman to win an unshared Nobel Prize in that category. Her outstanding contributions to genetics and genomics, and her courage and perseverance as a female scientist, continue to inspire generations of scientists.
Dialogues 1
A: 你听说过芭芭拉·麦克林托克吗?
B: 麦克林托克?听起来耳熟,她是做什么的?
A: 她是位杰出的遗传学家,发现了转座子,也就是基因组中的“跳跃基因”。
B: “跳跃基因”?这听起来很神奇!她获得了诺贝尔奖吗?
A: 是的,她因为这项发现获得了1983年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖,成为历史上第一位单独获得该奖项的女科学家。
B: 真是了不起!她对遗传学的贡献是里程碑式的,对吧?
A: 完全正确,她的工作彻底改变了我们对基因的理解,为现代遗传学和基因组学奠定了基础。
A: Have you ever heard of Barbara McClintock?
B: McClintock? Sounds familiar, what did she do?
A: She was a prominent geneticist who discovered transposons, also known as “jumping genes” in the genome.
B: “Jumping genes”? That sounds amazing! Did she win a Nobel Prize?
A: Yes, she won the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for this discovery, becoming the first woman to receive an unshared Nobel Prize in that field.
B: That's incredible! Her contribution to genetics was groundbreaking, right?
A: Absolutely, her work revolutionized our understanding of genes and laid the foundation for modern genetics and genomics.
Cultural Background
The dialogue is suitable for both formal and informal settings, depending on the tone and context. In a formal setting, you would maintain a polite and respectful tone. In an informal setting, you could use more casual language and expressions.
The Nobel Prize is highly regarded globally and mentioning it adds weight and respect to the conversation about Barbara McClintock's achievements.
Advanced Expressions
Her groundbreaking research revolutionized our understanding of genes and genomes.
Her work laid the foundation for modern genetics and genomics.
She is an inspiration to generations of scientists.
Key Points
This conversation is suitable for discussing historical figures in a science or history context, suitable for adults and older teenagers.,Ensure that the pronunciation of names is accurate.,Avoid making assumptions about the other person's knowledge of Barbara McClintock's work.
Practice Tips
Practice the dialogue with a partner, paying attention to pronunciation and intonation.
Try to expand the conversation by adding more details about Barbara McClintock's life and work.
Try to incorporate the advanced expressions into your conversation.