开源节流 kāiyuán jié liú Increase revenue and reduce expenditure



Kāiyuán jiéliú is an idiom that means increasing revenue and reducing expenditure. It comes from the book "Xunzi - Fùguó". In modern society, Kāiyuán jiéliú is still an important financial principle that applies to countries, enterprises and individuals alike.

Origin Story

战国时期,著名的思想家荀子在《富国》篇中强调,一个国家要富强,必须重视农业生产,增加国家的财富,同时也要节俭,避免浪费。他认为,只有做到开源节流,才能让国家富裕,百姓安居乐业。故事讲述了一个勤俭持家的农户,他一方面努力耕作,增加粮食产量,另一方面精打细算,节省开支,最终过上了富足的生活。这个故事生动地诠释了开源节流的重要性,也反映了古代中国人民勤俭节约的传统美德。 在那个时代,农业是国家经济的支柱,增加粮食产量是开源的重要途径。农户们辛勤劳作,改良耕作技术,改进农具,提高单位面积产量。同时,他们也注重节约,减少粮食的损耗,避免浪费。例如,他们会仔细保管粮食,防止虫蛀鼠咬,还会将剩余的粮食制作成各种食品,以延长保存时间。 此外,他们还会在日常生活中节约用水用柴,尽量减少不必要的开支,避免铺张浪费。这种勤俭节约的生活方式,不仅保证了家庭的经济稳定,也为国家的富强做出了贡献。

zhànguó shíqí, zhùmíng de sīxiǎngjiā xúnzǐ zài fùguó piān zhōng qiángdiào, yīgè guójiā yào fùqiáng, bìxū zhòngshì nóngyè shēngchǎn, zēngjiā guójiā de fú, tóngshí yě yào jiéjiǎn, bìmiǎn làngfèi. tā rènwéi, zhǐyǒu zuòdào kāiyuán jiéliú, cáinéng ràng guójiā fùyù, bǎixìng ānjū lèyè.

During the Warring States period, the famous thinker Xunzi emphasized in his essay "Rich Country" the importance of agricultural production for strengthening a country, both increasing national wealth and saving and avoiding waste. He believed that only by increasing revenue and reducing expenditure could a country become prosperous and its people live in peace and prosperity. The story tells of a thrifty and resourceful household that, on the one hand, diligently worked to increase grain production, and on the other hand, carefully calculated to save expenses and ultimately live a prosperous life. This story vividly illustrates the importance of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure and reflects the traditional virtues of thrift and saving in ancient China.



kāiyuán jiéliú kěyǐ zuò wèiyǔ, dìngyǔ, bǐnyǔ, cháng yòng lái xíngróng guójiā, qǐyè huò gèrén zài jīngjì fāngmiàn de celüe

Kāiyuán jiéliú can be used as a predicate, attributive or object, often used to describe the economic strategy of a country, enterprise or individual.


  • 国家要发展,必须开源节流。

    guojia yao fazhan, bìxū kāiyuán jiéliú

    A country must increase revenue and reduce expenditure to develop.

  • 企业要生存,就要开源节流,提高效益。

    qiyè yào shēngcún, jiù yào kāiyuán jiéliú, tígāo xiàoyì

    Enterprises must increase revenue and reduce expenditure to survive and improve efficiency.

  • 家庭理财,开源节流非常重要。

    jiātíng lǐcái, kāiyuán jiéliú fēicháng zhòngyào

    Increasing revenue and reducing expenditure is very important for family financial management